Advanced Medical and Physical Therapy Programs Combining
The Best of Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine

Free Clinic

ALT-MED Energy Healing Free Clinic

What is the Free Energy Healing Clinic?
The use of energy-based therapies as part of the treatment of illness can be found in every culture in the world and even in the ancient past.  Good medical research has demonstrated that energy – based therapies can be very helpful in the treatment of many different medical conditions.   
Who should use the Free Energy Healing Clinic?

  • Those who want energy-based healing but cannot afford it.
  • Those who have never tried energy-based healing and want to experience it.
  • Those who just want to feel lighter, more energized.

Who is the energy healer at the clinic?

Dr. Massey is usually the energy healer.  However, on occasion, he may be joined by other expert energy healers.
Is there a cost for these services?

No…it is free to everyone
How long does an energy session last?
About 20 minutes…a person writes down on a piece of paper what he/she wants Dr. Massey to concentrate on, lays down on a massage table and the session begins.

***This is not however a time to ask Dr. Massey health-related questions – it is not an office visit.***
How often is this clinic available and do I need a reservation?

  • It will vary throughout the year but usually once per month, in the evening. 
  • Please call (847) 923-0046 for the next session.
  • Reservations are STRONGLY recommended.  Each healing clinic last for 2 hours only (if only Dr. Massey that means 5 participants total).  Walk-ins are accepted only as long as there is an opening.

What will happen?
Everyone is different.  Often people feel better.  Dr. Massey's hands often become warm.  Some people will have a feeling of energy moving inside of themselves.  Some people will experience nothing – initially.  In those people changes may occur hours to days later.
Is this a religious-based therapy?

No…it is a therapy based on the well-defined principles of quantum physics…belief in any religious system is not needed.

I thought you may want to hear the latest update with regards to my former back problems...I recently won the state racket ball championships and the regionals in addition, I am lifting weights for conditioning, play golf and tennis and pretty much do anything I want to gave me back a major part of my life that was missing.

- Jim Luzar
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ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy
1544 Nerge Road • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 923-0046 • Fax: (847) 923-0047

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ALT-MED is a contracted provider with Medicare and BCBS of IL. PPO.
Friday March 28, 2025