Dr. Massey is available for professional and community lectures.
To request a lecture, please call (847) 923-0046 or email Dr. Massey at am4011@juno.com.
Winter Lecture Schedule - 2025
In today's world there is literally an ocean of traditional and nontraditional medical information available to everyone. But whether that information is appropriate, accurate or understandable is debatable.
Join Dr. Massey as he distills cutting edge traditional and nontraditional medical information into an easily usable format with immediate clinical applications.
Skinny on Weight ManagementWhat will I learn?
The #1 medical issue across the world is obesity. It is a major risk factor for ALL chronic medical conditions.
From children to the elderly and everyone in-between, the United States is #1 in obesity in the industrialized world (over 50% overweight and obese) and the reasons are not just the over simplified idea of "calories in and calories out" !!
Don't be fooled…despite clever advertising ALL diets and medications ultimately fail. They have not and, by themselves, will not make a dent in this underappreciated health crisis. There are many environmental issues including food additives, toxins and obesogenic compounds all contributing to weight gain...despite diets and medications.
Please join me in this interesting and timely lecture on weight management. Important information will be presented for you to combat this critical health issue.
Learn about the correctable elements in our lives contributing to excess weight and obesity. Annual medical savings for weight reduction averages about $2,000/year. It starts with you. Bring your questions and learn what you can do today!
Date: 1/25/2025 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00-11:00 am
- ALT-MED, 1544 Nerge Rd. Elk Grove Village IL 60007
- Zoom - either call office or paypal to register. After register you will receive email how to register for zoom presentation.
Reservations: (847) 923-0046...limited "walk-in" available
accepting cash, check, credit card and paypal (click here)
I was one of the many people suffering with back pain plus a herniated disc. The pain was so bad that I could not walk very far or sit for too long. Through "word of mouth" I heard of Dr. Patrick Massey. So I had my daughter make an appointment with the doctor....he recommended some exercises that were tailored for my body (and condition). I highly recommend Dr. Patrick Massey for back pain. Go and see him. What can you lose , only your back pain.
- Kathryn Ryan
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