Advanced Medical and Physical Therapy Programs Combining
The Best of Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine

Patrick Massey MD, PhD

ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy

Elk Grove Village, IL and serving the Chicago area.


What makes Dr. Massey different?

Listen to what his patients have to say:
  • Dr. Massey really wants to hear your whole story...not just look at lab results and MRIs...he listens...concerned about you.
  • He wants to help you heal...not just prescribe drugs...takes his time.
  • He listens...first 30 minutes, he did not say a word.  I did all of the talking...and he was looking at me, not typing into a computer.
  • He said to me "it's not in your head or because of your age or being female."  He did not dismiss me - he listened and found a solution.
  • A 30 minute office visit...I'm lucky if I even see my other physicians - they all use physician assistants and nurses. 30 minutes with Dr. Massey - every time!
  • He teaches...he drew the chemical diagrams showing me where the problem was and had an answer. My other doctors don't even talk with me...they lecture and write a prescription.
  • Every time I see my physician, a new prescription...not with Dr. Massey.
  • Dr. Massey is a regular doctor, expert in alternative medicine and an energy healer...met a lot of physicians - regular and alternative. No one does what Dr. Massey's does.
  • He asked me about everything...most complete first visit ever...and he showed me how it all fits together.
  • Seven physicians and no result. Saw Dr. Massey and he put it all together. My condition does not even have a specific diagnosis. He really, really listens.
  • I am not sure how to describe what Dr. Massey does...except that he heals. This is what medicine is suppose to be.
  • Way ahead of the curve! Thank you.

Dr. Massey practices integrative medicine – the combination of traditional and nontraditional medicine. He is past medical director of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for the Alexian Brothers Hospital Network.

Dr. Massey received his MD from Rush University (Chicago) and his PhD in immunology from Northwestern University Graduate School of Medicine (Chicago). He also is a graduate fellow in the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona (Dr. Andrew Weil).

In addition to being a physician, Dr. Massey is also a medical intuitive and certified energy medicine practitioner. He has a doctorate (MhD) in metaphysical studies and energy healing from Delphi University, GA.  He has been energetically sensitive since early childhood.

Dr. Massey is nationally recognized as a leader in integrative medicine and has been utilizing the best of traditional and non-traditional medicine (integrative) for over 20 years.

(Learn more)

I thought you may want to hear the latest update with regards to my former back problems...I recently won the state racket ball championships and the regionals in addition, I am lifting weights for conditioning, play golf and tennis and pretty much do anything I want to gave me back a major part of my life that was missing.

- Jim Luzar
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ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy
1544 Nerge Road • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 923-0046 • Fax: (847) 923-0047

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ALT-MED is a contracted provider with Medicare and BCBS of IL. PPO.
Friday March 28, 2025