Advanced Medical and Physical Therapy Programs Combining
The Best of Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine

Back Pain - Neck Pain - ALT-MED Physical Therapy

Daryl Massey PT, MPT
ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy
Elk Grove Village IL and serving the Chicago area.

The most effective medical therapy for back and neck pain is physical movement.  ALT-MED physical therapy has been successfully treating low back and neck pain for two decades. Dr. Massey comprised a series of movements from martial arts for low back pain and neck pain. Daryl Massey PT, MPT has taken the program even farther.

Patients with low back pain and neck pain come from around the country and even Brazil, Canada and Israel to be treated with the ALT-MED approach.

Most patients have failed other traditional and alternative medical therapies but find success with the ALT-MED physical therapy program.

Common misconceptions
  1. Back and neck pain is caused by the bones and discs
Most back and neck pain is not directly the result of something wrong with the bones or even intervertebral discs. It is the result of inflammation and spasm of the soft tissues…muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, etc. This is not detected by X-ray or MRI. It can be found by physical examination. This pain can be sudden onset (acute) as well as last for a long time (chronic) – even years! Medications are not effective long term. They can have serious side effects that are cumulative over time. Proper physical movement reduces inflammation and spasm. It also makes the tissues resistant to chronic inflammation and spasm.
  1. Herniated discs mean surgery
Most herniated discs have little or nothing to do with simple back pain (pain not radiating below the knee). They are often incidental findings. Most back and neck surgeries in the US are probably unnecessary. In addition, in most cases, surgery for a herniated disc should not be done until other conservative therapies have been exhausted. Many can find complete pain relief and still have a herniated disc.
  1. All physical therapy is the same
The ALT-MED experience is unique, personalized physical therapy, done by licensed physical therapists.  Everyone is different and personalization of therapy has better and lasting positive results for low back and neck pain. The ALT-MED physical therapy program is based on movements taken from martial arts. Martial arts are a rich source of unique movements specifically designed to increase pain free range of motion and flexibility. Dr. Massey and Daryl Massey PT, MPT were among the first, nation-wide, to publish positive results for using martial art-based exercises for low back and neck pain. (About ALT-MED physical therapy - click here)
  1. Does acupuncture work for low back and neck pain?
Yes. Acupuncture can be very effective for low back and neck pain…especially when combined with ALT-MED physical therapy movements. Acupuncture can reduce inflammation, muscle spasm and has a direct pain-relieving effect. Not all acupuncture training is equal and the experience of the acupuncturist is crucial. (About ALT-MED acupuncture – click here)
  1. Does massage work for low back and neck pain?
Yes. Massage can be very effective for low back and neck pain…especially when combined with ALT-MED physical therapy movements. However, deep tissue massage techniques can be painful and prevent the healing of damaged tissue. The right kind of massage can reduce inflammation, muscle spasm and has a direct pain-relieving effect. The experience of the massage therapist is critical. (About ALT-MED massage therapy – click here)

ALT-MED Physical Therapy

Daryl Massey PT, MPT (Masters of Physical Therapy) practices physical therapy is the way all patients want to have their physical therapy. Daryl works with one patient at a time. During that time, you have her complete and undivided attention. You are not handed off to less qualified therapists. Daryl individualizes every movement for you, makes sure you understand and then personally, hand draws the take-home exercise sheet. It is like having your own concierge physical therapist.

Medical conditions (including but not limited to)
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Herniated discs
  • Sciatica
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Balance disorders
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Sports injuries**
  • Tendonitis
  • Shoulder pain, rotator cuff injury
  • Frozen shoulder
** Daryl has extensive experience with sports injuries at all levels of competition. She has treated elementary school, middle school, high school and division I college athletes from football, track, cross country, volleyball, dance, cheerleading, shot put and even javelin. Her personal attention to the athlete, experience and knowledge base results in rapid and complete healing of sports-related injuries. Her four children are able to compete (competed) at the highest level in football, track and field and volleyball because, in part, of her ability to quickly heal their injuries.

Daryl Massey is the director of the ALT-MED physical therapy program. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from Illinois Wesleyan University and her master’s degree in physical therapy at Midwestern University. Daryl is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and has been "working her magic" for over a decade. (more about Daryl Massey – click here)
"Dr. Massey: Your voice was the first one in this experience of mine to tell me 'We can help you.' Thank you for the HOPE

- Annette Keadle
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ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy
1544 Nerge Road • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 923-0046 • Fax: (847) 923-0047

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ALT-MED is a contracted provider with Medicare and BCBS of IL. PPO.
Friday March 28, 2025